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My parents came to Canada when I was just 6 years old. Since then, we moved around quite a bit but eventually ended up in a small detached house. One of my fondest memories growing up was learning how to work with wood and other materials to build useful things around the house like shelves, frames, wall hangings, etc.

I’ll never forget the smells and sounds of the shop we ended up building out in our garage, and that’s why I created my own little shop in my shed once I grew up and was able to get my own house.

With decorBySoma, I aim to create simple & elegant decor and pieces that serve as a wonderful, but practical addition to your space and life. Nothing extravagant or flamboyant, but beautiful accent pieces that add character to your home, while bringing you utility.

My wife helps with logistics and creative criticism, while our rescue pup Marcey likes to hang around and fetch sticks and drop them at the shop door.

Reach out to me if you have any questions & thanks for supporting decorBySoma.

Hi! I’m Somayaji – the owner of decorBySoma. I love woodworking, design, and engraving. For the past few years, I’ve enjoyed making beautiful designs for my friends & family and now I’m excited to bring these creations to you all!
Hi! I’m Vivian – the co-owner of decorBySoma. I inspire the designs, package the shipments, and manage the social media for our shop.
Branch Manager
The real workhorse of the shop. Hard to get anything done without her. She guards the wood, chasing away all the squirrels and rabbits. She also helps gather all the branches (which may or may not be useful – but she doesn’t need to know that).